
Showing posts from September, 2018

Albrecht Dürer Assignment

Original Photo Durer Version For this project I chose a photo of one of my favorite cats, a munchkin ragdoll. First I took out the color. Then I erased the background. Next I added the filter, and lastly I added the background.

Gorey Assignment

For this assignment I started with making four different layers for each tree. I colored them all a shade different from each other to stand out a little more. Then I added a new layer, filled it in white, and cut out a moon. I put the moon layer behind all the rest. Next I added the background. I then made a new layer for the banner. I filled it in with black, cut out the banner, made a new layer for the writing, and added in the text. Lastly I drew a little character and moved her to the bottom of the screen. 

Celebrity Coloring Page Assignment

Liza Koshy Liza Koshy Drawing Page First I found a picture of Liza Koshy and uploaded it into Photoshop Elements 10. Then I traced her. At the end I found a picture of he signature, traced over it, and put it in the bottom corner.

Cartoon Yourself Assignment

Redrawn Original Photo First I took a picture of myself in Photo Booth. Next, I uploaded it into Photoshop Elements 10. Then, I added two layers, one for contour drawing and the other for the white background. I redrew the picture and colored it in.

The Niccolini-Cowper Madonna / Cartoon Version of a Masterpiece Assignment

Original The Niccolini-Cowper Madonna Family Guy The Niccolini-Cowper Madonna First I downloaded and uploaded the original Niccolini-Cowper Madonna into Photoshop Elements 10. Then I drew in a black outline. I colored in the painting with the colors from the Family Guy characters. I then downloaded and uploaded a photo of Luis and Stewie from Family Guy. I cut out their faces and put them onto the bodies. For the background I got a picture of their house, uploaded it, moved it over into the Family Guy version of The Niccolini-Cowper Madonna, and redrew it so it looked more in focus.

The Scream Assignment

Original Scream My Scream For Fun First, I uploaded the original Scream to Photoshop Elements 10. Then, I traced it with black ink. Next, I filled it in with the paint bucket tool, but I kept clicking till the color overlapped the black lines. To finish it off I took a photo of myself, cropped it, and put it on top of the screams face. The last photo was for fun, I added a filter to both my photo and the background and it made this masterpiece. 

Mona Lisa Assignment

Original Mona Lisa Trumpet Mona Lisa I made this trumpet Mona Lisa by first uploading the original into photoshop elements 10. Then, I drew contour lines over it on a new layer. Next, I used the bucket tool to fill in the colors. Lastly, I photoshopped the background and trumpet in to finish the trumpet Mona Lisa.